Ms. Miller's Music Class

Ms. Miller's Music Classroom


Welcome to Ms. Miller's Music Class Website!!  This site has been designed for music lovers in and out of my classroom. Parents and students alike are interested in what is going on in my class and I hope that this website will help fullfill those needs.  In this site you will find everything from upcoming events to look forward to, to homework assignments and fun music sites for students to enjoy.


Ms. Miller's Mission: I became a teacher not only because of my love of music but also because I knew that I could make a difference in the lives of my students.  Music is something that has enhanced my life in so many ways and I want to share that with the students that I reach daily.  My mission is to create a place where students can come to express themselves, through music without fear of ridicule from others.  I want to create a classroom that is exciting and fun while learning key components to being a lifelong music lover and musician.

Music Art

I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have yours.  But sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, love, belong to all of us, in all times and in all places.  Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality.  -H.A. Overstreet

Upcoming Events:

December 14th, 2001- Music Department concert!!!  Students arrive at 6:00 pm. Concert Starts at 6:30!

December 18-January 4th Christmas Break! NO SCHOOL!! 

January 18th, 2010- High School Honor Choir/Junior High Honor Band All day practice in La Junta! We leave Wiley at 6:30 am! Performance at OJC at 7:00 pm

Each student is required to sign the Internet/Network Acceptable Use Policy located on page 5 of the Student Handbook.].pdf 

Copyright 2009, C. Miller, All Rights Reserved                                                Last Revised 4/16/09